220131, г. Минск,
ул. Гамарника, 30
4 этаж, офис 362, ком. 2

Центральный офис

CyberKnife for Brain Tumors – Explained by Neurosurgeons

The CyberKnife is the evolution of all radiation treatment technologies. It has overcome the obstacles of some of the most widely used systems in the market. Due to its unique robotic design, and the intelligent and sophisticated software combination of tumor tracking and real-time imaging throughout treatment, the CyberKnife compensates for any patient or tumor movement. Unlike other methods of treatment that require an invasive head-frame to be screwed into the patients skull, to limit movement, the CyberKnife removes this requirement. And by removing the head-frame, it opened the door to fractionated radiosurgery. Where other technologies were limited to one single treatment, the CyberKnife can deliver radiation in one single treatment or from two to a maximum of five treatments.


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